6 Months Blogging Update

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Journaling has always been my outlet to express myself. I’ve used it to create poems, lengthy love letters, and short stories. The idea of sharing this passion with the world was terrifying at first. After a few years of helping others through my writings along with the encouragement from my family and friends, I took the plunge and it has been one big wild fun ride.

Although sharing some stories were hard it was also very therapeutic. Writing Daddy’s Little Girl was tough and then afterward, reading comments was even tougher. I stopped reading those comments because I really missed my father. He absence became so preponderant that I was overwhelmed with paralyzing emotions. After a few nights of longing to hear my dad’s voice again, my hubby went to my blog and started reading the comments to me.

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It had turned out that I had helped a lot of people and they started sharing their stories of love and loss in my comments thread. Among the powerful comments was my first Blog Award of four. That was just a day shy of my first-month blogging. I had only published 5 blogs during this time.
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Being curious, I re-read my blogs starting with my first, “Hello You.” It was also my introduction to my readers. My second blog was a raw tell of “My Largest Weight Ever!!” My third blog was “How I lost 70lbs and Jump-started My Weight Loss Journey.” My fourth blog asked the question to my fellow bloggers, is it “For Love or Money?” At last, my fifth blog was the stories of my relationship with my dad up to his unexpected death to cancer in “Daddy’s Little Girl.”

As I re-read my posts, I laughed and cried due to the comments and was moved by the response and raw emotions my readers had shared with me. Thank you (if you’re reading this) for sharing your stories and journeys of weight-loss, marriage, blogging, and being a daughter. After a prayer and a good talk with my husband, I decided to break up my emotionally immersive stories with helpful posts that pretty much everyone could use. My passion for writing has never failed and I have 23 years more years of journaling to share and counting. Some of my stories are so new that I have to wait to share, just like the story of my dad was put on hold.

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Although some of my posts are kind of dramatic, I look forward to sharing these stories in hopes to entertain, help, and inspire. Here are my blog stats after 6 months.

Blog –  Reached 40,935 –  Followers 351 –  Comments 3,703  –  Likes 1,261

My Top 10 Blog Post



LavandaMichelle daddy

autumn LavandaMichelleIMG_9802


LavandaMichelle money


LavandaMichelle 911


Guest Blog Post From My Daughter and Hubby


the weekend 5


I have been blogging for six months now and I love it. Don’t get me wrong, to build a following is a lot of work, but a like or a comment from you makes it all worth it! I want to thank you all for reading & especially for being vulnerable with me and sharing your thoughts and feelings when you feel inspired to. I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape LavandaMichelle.com into the best blog possible.

Is there something you would like to see on LavandaMichelle.com? Are there topics you would like reading about? I have you been getting several offers for reviews and collaboration; However, I want to only share things that I truly believe in and use. What are your thoughts?  Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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LavandaMichelle 6 moths

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112 thoughts on “6 Months Blogging Update

    1. Awww ❤ Thank you for reading & sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape LavandaMichelle.com into the best blog possible.❤ Lavanda Michelle North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger

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