Protect Your Feet from Long Days at Work

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Being on your feet all day isn’t exactly fun, but it’s a necessity for a lot of people. Whether you spend the day walking around or you have to stand in one spot, it can have an impact on your feet, your back and other parts of your body too. If you can’t do anything about your job (or don’t want to change it), you need some techniques to help you deal with long days on your feet. There are things you can do both while you’re working and during your time off, when you get a chance to relax.


Comfortable Shoes

One of the most important things to do is to have the right supportive footwear. Of course, most people who spend all day on their feet know this. You might also have to wear practical shoes that are hygienic and protect your feet if you work somewhere like a medical environment or commercial kitchen. However, if you find that your feet are still sore, you might need a pair of Biopods. Some comfortable insoles will cushion your feet and massage them to keep pain away. Try not to wear completely flat shoes, but avoid high heels too.


Try Yoga or Pilates

Improving your flexibility, your strength and your posture can really help you if you spend all day on your feet. Both yoga and Pilates are excellent for working on all three of these qualities. You can focus specifically on improving your posture, although it’s also useful to loosen your muscles and work on your strength too. Yoga is a more relaxing choice, as Pilates can be more strenuous, especially when you use the various equipment, such as the Pilates reformer. These practices are excellent to do at home and in classes in your spare time to improve your stamina at work.

Move in Place

Of course, you can’t just stop in the middle of your work to do a quick downward-facing dog. It’s also useful to have some stretches and movements that you can do while you’re standing in place or perhaps walking around. You can do things like rotate your ankles, do some lunges to stretch out your thighs, or stand on one leg with the opposite foot pulled behind you. Sometimes you might have to wait until your break to have a proper stretch, but it’s also helpful to move around a bit to keep your circulation flowing.


Rest When You Can

Making sure that you allow your body to rest is essential. Take advantage of your breaks at work but putting your feet up or perhaps going for a walk if you’ve been standing still. Allow yourself to rest when you’re at home too. Grab what time you can to put your feet up and maybe soak them too. You might also enjoy a foot massage, whether you get one from a professional or convince someone at home to do it for you.

Look after your feet and the rest of your body by trying out these tips. You could find it’s easier to survive long days on your feet.

What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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17 thoughts on “Protect Your Feet from Long Days at Work

  1. Foot soaks in warm water and Epsom Salt are also very relaxing and invigorating because of the magnesium that relaxes muscles and has mood enhancing benefits (by raising levels of the mood-boosting neurotransmitter serotonin) since most of us don’t get enough magnesium in our diets.

    1. ❤ Thanks for reading & sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape into the best blog possible.❤ Lavanda Michelle North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger

    1. ❤ Thanks for reading & sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape into the best blog possible.❤ Lavanda Michelle North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger

    1. ❤ Thanks for reading & sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape into the best blog possible.❤ Lavanda Michelle North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger

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