Getting the Most from Your Home Workout

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At the start of 2020, many of us had our workout regimes set in stone and were sticking to them pretty well. Whether that was heading to the gym a set number of days a week, attending fitness classes, jogging or cycling around the local area, using a personal trainer or anything else. But the coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has seen many of us have to radically alter our workouts in order to comply with government rules and guidelines. Gyms are regularly closing, classes have lower capacity and you may not be able to spend time in relatively crowded outdoor spaces. This has led to many of us placing our faith in home workouts. Of course, getting used to working out in spaces that you’re used to relaxing in can take a bit of getting used to. Plus, getting your recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, or seventy five minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, can feel challenging between four smaller walls. So, what can you do to get the most from your home workouts right now? Here are a few pieces of advice that could help you along the way!

Fuelling Your Body in the Right Way

When you work out at home, it can be difficult to set out a firm schedule. Many people slip from doing one thing they’re doing at home to suddenly starting a workout without really preparing or planning for it. One thing that people often do that can prove detrimental to their workout? Snacking or eating a heavy meal right before their workout. Instead, you should make sure that you haven’t eaten a heavy meal beforehand and you could even use pre workout supplements to really give your body what it requires.

Investing in the Right Equipment

When you work out in a gym or other premises or facility specially designed for exercise, you tend to have all of the equipment you could possibly need right in your hands. But when you work out from home, this isn’t necessarily the case. Of course, you’re not likely to buy (or have the room for) a whole gym set up. But you could pick a few key items that will help you to carry out a thorough workout in your home. This could be something small like handheld weights, a yoga mat or a medicine ball. It could be something bigger, like a treadmill, a rowing machine or a punching bag. Whatever you choose, make sure it will help you to achieve the results you’re looking for and that you have the space to use it properly and safely.

Follow Tutorials

There are plenty of approved, professional tutorials online and in the form of apps that can guide you through your home workouts. Give them a try. They could really help to guide you and help you to see the results you want!

These are just a few suggestions that could get your workout started out on the right foot. Hopefully, they’ll come in useful!

What are your thoughts?  Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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2 thoughts on “Getting the Most from Your Home Workout

  1. I’m a huge fan of using Youtube video tutorials and workout apps to work out at home. It definitely makes things easier when it comes to getting into shape and being a healthier version of yourself.

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