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25 Romantic Stay-At-Home Date Ideas


I remember back when Tim and I were first married? The romantic candlelit dinners, in anticipation of that good night kiss! Oh such great memories. . . . date nights were so fun and easy! Fast forward 19 years and three children. Let me be frank: our daughters, while adorable and lovable and a gift from God, are 100%, romance killers. 

All of a sudden those come-hither looks were replaced with tired-eyed glances partner by the faint notion that the man across the dinner table looks familiar, but I can’t quite place him.

Well, that guy is my beloved husband and the two of us deserve more! Our standard dinner-and-a-movie date night became a distant memory — especially when the cineplex and our favorite restaurants are shut down due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 

It is time to put our marriage first, to commit to intentional romance. We must make it a priority to set aside one night a week to focus on just being together, with the help of Pheromones. Inside this article, you’ll find our favorite at-home date ideas that we have tried and loved!

Camp Out in the Living Room

Unplug for the night and reconnect. Take notes from the children and build a blanket fort or spread out in front of the fireplace in sleeping bags. Tell campfire stories by the glow of a flashlight.

Watch Movies From Your Dating Era

Pop a big bowl of popcorn, get in your pajamas and stream your favorite movie when you were ‘just” dating while seeing if you can remember the movie or the distractions.

Cook a Dinner at Home

Light some candles, turn on some mood music, try your hand at recreating a fancy dish that you shared at your first fancy dinner date, and set the kids up with a movie. 

Bake Sweet Treats

For those with a serious sweet tooth (like my hubby), baking together has a dual benefit: It engages you in a fun activity, and you get to enjoy something deliciously sweet afterward.

Film Your Own Cooking Show

Grab your smartphone, and become YouTube stars. Gather your ingredients, put on those aprons and turn dinner into a collaborative event. 

Personalized Pizza

Making our own pizza at home is one of our most go-to-activities for a delicious at-home dinner date. We like to pick up a premade crust from our local whole foods. Top it with all of our favorite fixings.

Have a Picnic in Your Dining Room

Order from your favorite takeout restaurant, and don’t forget to add some dishes to your order. Once the food is on its way, set up the picnic with sexy tunes to set the mood.

Snuggle by Candlelight

Turn off the lights, surround yourself with candles, and make the most of conversation with your soulmate.

Indulge in a Dessert Feast

Order a grand selection of your favorites from a local bakery and candy shop. Lounge off your sugar coma with a “sweet” movie on the sofa afterward.

Hold a Wine Tasting

Pick up a few bottles you’ve always wanted to try, portion them out into little glasses, compare and contrast the flavors, and share as you sip.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Snuggle up and reminisce over your past vacations, holidays, or milestones. You may even learn something new about your sweetie if you locate your childhood photos.

Play a Game Together

Seize the children’s gaming system to stretch your mental muscles in a new way, or blow the dust off a classic board game, for a little friendly competition can actually draw the two of you closer.

Dance in The Living Room

Clear space in the living room and take your soulmate out for a few spins to tunes that bring back great memories.

Have a Karaoke Night

Find videos with favorite songs + lyrics on YouTube and just sing your hearts out. Brooms and mops make great impromptu  “microphone stands,” or you can go the classic hairbrush route.

Turn Your Bedroom Into A Fancy Hotel  

You can turn your bedroom into a fancy hotel room for an ultra-luxury and romantic stay-at-home date night. This is certainly in my top 5 night-in date idea, I absolutely love this one!

Take Personality Tests Together

Personality quizzes are a fun way to learn something new about your partner. Whether you believe in them or not, the results may surprise you! 

Learn Your Love Language

Do you know what your love language is? If you are able to “speak” to your partner in the love language that they “speak” it can be a total relationship game-changer. 

Get Crafty

Get creative together by choosing a DIY project to tackle together during your at-home date night.

Plan Your Dream Trip

It’s no secret we love to travel, but during this pandemic, we can’t travel as much as we’d like. Instead, we’ll plan our dream trip. 

Write and Read each other Love Letters

I have collected hundreds of cards and love letters from my hubby over the years. For a little added romance to your stay-at-home date night write each other love letters and read them as you enjoy dinner. 

Assemble a Puzzle

Pick up a jigsaw puzzle and give it a try, you will be boosting your brainpower while getting some quality time with your lifemate.

Gamble on Casino Night

Try making a few friendly stakes over cards and chips by having a two-person casino night.  Place bets on carpool duty, chores, or even who has to give the other a back rub or foot massage. Learn what online casino games pay real money.

Play “Would You Rather”

Try asking your partner the most out-of-the-box questions, challenging each other to come up with increasingly unorthodox ideas. 

Have a Breakfast Date in the Bedroom

Provide the children with a fun distraction. Get back to bed for a breakfast date in bed and enjoy your stolen time beneath the covers. Read to each other and snuggle. Your weekend chores can wait until after lunch.

Read a Romance Novel

Pick up a romance novel that suits your style, and take turns reading it to each other for a unique date night you can enjoy any time.

If you’re ready to spice up your romantic life or fall in love all over again, Try one of these dating at-home ideas once a week, or for a special date event like Valentine’s Day, to keep the spark alive.

What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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