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Running A Family Doesn’t Mean Putting Your Career On Hold


In 2021, it would be reasonable to assume women no longer have to choose family and career. Sadly, while millennial mothers are certainly changing the trend, many of us still feel the pressure to either take on flexible part-time work or stay at home full-time, certainly when our kids are younger. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this if it suits, but if certain career paths seem out-of-bounds, then holding back for your family can only leave you unsatisfied. 

The reasons for hesitation on the career front are, largely, obvious – holding down a job and a family isn’t easy, and time is an endless worry. Realistically, though, women really don’t have to put their dreams to the side as soon as youngsters come along anymore. Here, we’re going to look at why.

There’s more help out there than ever before

A focus on work/life balance and flexible hours means that there’s far more help/accessibility for working moms. Many employers will even allow shift changes for school breaks, etc. It’s worth noting, too, that the rise of the mompreneur is also making major ripples, with countless mom’s finding ways to start businesses from home, with hours to suit them. Outsourcing, especially, means that said mompreneurs can spend the time they need with their families when they need it. Specifically, help with everything from accounts, to the managed IT services offered by mean that business needn’t be as tricky, or time-consuming as in times of old. And, if it’s that easy to fit everything in, then there’s no reason that moms shouldn’t enjoy the best of both worlds. 

A strong work ethic sets a great example

Working moms can also set a fantastic example, especially for daughters. In fact, the study from Harvard University outlined on found that daughters from a family with a working mother were paid an average 4% more . Of course, no child wants a parent who’s never at home. But, finding a well-balanced career certainly won’t do the harm society has previously led us to believe. In fact, with the help of the work/life balance mentioned above, your career could soon act as the springboard for your children’s successes.

You may be a better parent

Voluntary stay-at-home parents are the best parents purely because they’re doing things the way they want to. But, if you wish you were at work while you’re stuck at home, it follows that you’ll struggle to be your best parenting self. In this sense, the ability to get out and make money could make a huge difference. Finally, you’ll be able to come back to your family unit refreshed, fulfilled, and ready to take on the task of raising the little people in your life.

It’s by no means a prerequisite that moms have to work if that’s not what they want to do. But, if you feel like you’re putting the career of your dreams on hold for your family right now, then it may well be time to reassess with these points in mind.

What are your thoughts?  Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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