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Don’t Stop Until Your Blog Is Engaging


After years of people dismissing blogs as a) a fad that will pass, b) something bored teenagers do in an attempt to avoid getting real jobs and c) a waste of time, energy, and money, the world is finally starting to realize just how important a blog is, especially in business. It is the secret ingredient for succeeding in the twenty-first century. The problem is, people still aren’t quite sure how to make their blogs engaging enough to convert.

Yes, they post high-quality content and they do so regularly, but something is still amiss and, more often than not, that thing is engagement, which is absolutely essential when it comes to making your blog punt a major success.

To help you start winning on this front, I  have come up with a few tips, tricks and bits of advice that will help you turn your fortune around.

Know Your Audience Better Than Your Friends

If you want to create content that engages with your audience then it makes sense for you to truly understand who your audience is. It’s obvious, yet it is one of the all-important steps that many content creators forget to hone in on. So, find out who your main audience is, find out what they want to read about and then write it in a way that is accessible.

Judge A Blog By Its Cover

The phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” originated in a time where all books were limited to the same leatherbound appearance. We’re not saying it is bad advice, we’re just saying it doesn’t apply to your blog. People are only going to read your content if it looks enticing. That’s a fact. As such, it’s well worth calling on a digital marketing agency to help you on this side of things. Font, typeface, link designs, color schemes, white space, captions, imagery, arrangements, icons, dividers – it is all stuff you need to take into account.

Words Alone Won’t Work

Content is – and always will be – queen. Of course, it will. The written word is the most important invention in the history of humankind, bar none. Before then, all people had was their memories. So, you need to make sure your written content is obscenely good, which is where hiring a freelance creative copywriter can really boost engagement. However, don’t rely on words alone. The more visual you can make your blog, the more engaging it will appear. Use videos where possible, knowing this is an ever-growing strategy that readers are loving. Use infographics to bring otherwise boring words to life. Add interactive design elements if you can. The more mediums the merrier.

Don’t Leave People Waiting

This is another area of blogging that people rarely give any thought to. But, the simple fact is, people lack patience these days. It is part of the microwave society we live in. Don’t believe us, then hold onto your retort while we tell you that 40% of people will click the back button on their browser if a web page doesn’t load within three seconds. Every second count, which is why you need to make sure your website loads super-fast.

Is your blog engaging? What have you done to accomplish engagement?  What are some of your obstacles? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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