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The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for your Next Big Move


The process of moving will take place over a couple of months and in most cases, everyone’s experience will be different. With that being said, it does help to make sure that you are prepared to move.  To ensure that you are doing everything you can to make sure that you are ready for what lies ahead in terms of your packing and preparation.


There really is so much to do when it comes to your move. You will have to find a way to forward all of your mail and you will also have to change your utilities as well. On top of this, it’s very important that you acquire the right packaging supplies and that you spend your time finding out what needs to be done in terms of your delicate items. One service that it can be extremely important to find is a furniture removal service.  By doing this, you can make the whole move way less stressful and you can also reduce the amount it takes to get things done as well.

Preparing for your Next Big Move

Transferring Your Information

Before you do decide to move house, you need to make sure that you have a change of address checklist for your utilities and the bills that you have so you can get everything transferred over. The more in advance you do this the better, because sometimes utility companies may not be able to come out that same day to make the switch if they have a lot of jobs to do themselves. It is also more than possible for you to file a change of address form online and when you do this, you can change your credit card to your new billing address so you don’t go for any period of time without any money.

Packing Supplies

There are so many places out there where you can buy packing supplies but you may have noticed that a lot of them are very expensive. When you do manage to pay out for the tape and even the stuffing, you might as well have hired a professional to get the whole job done for you. If you want to save money then consider looking out for places that hand out free cardboard boxes. A lot of retailers have dozens of shipments every single day and this is especially the case with furniture stores.

If you want to make sure that you save as much money as possible then ask them if it is possible for you to take some of the boxes off their hands. You can also ask around at work to see if they have any moving or storage boxes available so that you can make the most out of your moving experience while saving money at every opportunity.

The downside to getting used boxes is that they may not always be in the best condition so if you want to get some brand new boxes or if you want to make sure that the boxes you have are not going to fall through on you then it may be worth you investing in a  moving kit.

Preparing for your Next Big Move


When moving house, you’ll soon find that you need to get some tools for the move. It isn’t expensive at all for you to hire a truck and it isn’t expensive for you to get hold of a furniture dolly either. You’ll need to have both of these items if you want to be able to move house properly and it is even worth investing in a box cutter as well. A regular knife may be able to get the job done just as well, but it won’t be as fast and it won’t be as efficient either.


You may have a good idea as to how everything is going to fit in your new home, but you will never know this unless you actually make the effort to measure. It is well worth setting some time aside so that you can plan everything out.  It is also worth taking a tape measure with you so that you can get more accurate measurements of the alcove or any other space in your new home. You can do this when you go for the viewing and it is also a great way for you to really make the most out of the furniture that you have.

Preparing for your Next Big Move

Hiring a Truck

It is always a good idea for you to have a moving company that can help you out and gives you the support you need, like the people at  If you want to take the DIY approach to the whole situation then you will need to have a truck. Your mileage may depend on where you are going to move to and this could bump up the cost of your moving company. It’s important to know that some companies will charge you depending on the number of miles that you are going to travel and other companies will charge you a set fee. If you’re moving a short distance, hire a company that is going to charge you by the mile, as this is a great way for you to try and save money.

Getting Help

Moving is never something that you will want to go at alone. It isn’t impossible by any means, but the whole thing can be a very miserable experience. When you are moving with your friends, this can make the whole experience much more fun.  You may even find that it is very easy to do as well. All you have to do is promise them that you will provide the food or even offer them a little something in exchange for their labor. This will make the whole thing much easier. 

You may even have fun by doing it as well. You may even ask someone to come in the morning and then another friend to come in the afternoon so that you don’t have one person breaking their back all day. This is also great because it doesn’t put too much pressure on one friend to stay for the full duration of the move as well.

Preparing for your Next Big Move

Pack Smart

The first thing that you need to do when packing has to put some essentials to one side. You’ll need to put toiletries to one side and you will also want to put your clothing to one side as well. You’ll want things that can easily fit into a suitcase. You may even want to wait until the end of the week before you do this so that you don’t have to keep diving into your boxes. It’s also a good idea for you to know where all of your essentials are at any one time.  This will ensure you don’t have to go through hundreds of boxes just to find what you need.

Sort Things Out

Packing by room is ideal if you are looking for affordable apartments. Apartments are generally much smaller than properties so there is a high chance that you won’t have that many rooms to account for.  Sometimes, however, this is just not possible. At times you may even want to put an item into a box for another room so that you can make the most out of the space that you have. For this reason, you need to make sure that you know what is going to work for you. This will ensure you don’t compromise on your packing just to make things easier for when you arrive. After all, if you have broken glass everywhere because you refused to mix and match items then this will only cause you more problems.

If you have a ton of extra blankets or soft items then it helps to put them all in one place. This means that you can take the box upstairs and you’ll have everything you need for all of the bedrooms and the bathroom. You can even include your essential items in this box as well, as this is a great way for you to really make the most out of your items. Of course, if you have tons of soft items then it may be worth putting them in a bin bag of some sort. The main reason for this is because it is not worth you filling up your storage boxes if you don’t have to and you may need these for some of your more delicate or even fragile items so do keep that in mind.


So moving house can be stressful, but if you want to make the most out of your move. Then it is more than possible for you to do this and it is also possible for you to really make the whole thing much easier on yourself as well. If you are moving abroad then it helps to know the rules and regulations regarding the move. 

Even the logistics of how things are going to work as well so that’s really important for you to take into account. You may also want to think about your pets as well, and if they are going to need any special care or assistance during the move. This could include getting a pet carrier, or a portable water bowl if you are going on a long journey.

There you have it, the ultimate guide to preparing for your next big move.  To make sure that nothing gets forgotten and that your move is successful. What are some things you did to make your move stressfree? Did you use a checklist? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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