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Smart Advice For Thriving After A Break Up


Ah, love. It can just never be easy. Even when we’re in love, existence can be painful. Who hasn’t had some old insecurity creep up on them, all because they like another human being so much? Of course, it’s even worse when the love comes to an end. And it’s even worse when the relationship comes to an end, and you’re still in love. But whether you’ve had your heart broken or it’s just a messy end, it’s true that breakups suck. 

That’s why we’re here to help. In this blog, we’re going to run through some useful tips for ensuring that you don’t just survive your breakup but that you thrive during it.

Accept Where You Are

You’ll go through a tough period when you’re newly single. That’s true even if you know it was the right thing to call it quits. Depending on how long you’ve been going out/how intertwined your lives were, you may need to go through the process of rebuilding your life. Here’s where a little patience comes in. The first step is to recognize where you are on the journey. You’re in heartbreak mode! So don’t force yourself to hit a new peak too soon. You’ll be miserable for a while, so just embrace it, since that’s the only logical path — you can’t ignore it, after all. 


In the immediate aftermath of your break-up, it’s important that you go into hardcore self-care mode. This is the time to get a massage, go to yoga, buy yourself something nice, and so on. Many people are excellent at showing love and care to other people but not so good at showing it to themselves. It’s a key part of getting over the breakup, during which you may have lost some confidence, or at the very least, taken some harsh blows.

Get Advice

You are not the first person to go through a break-up. Indeed, that thought can be kind of comforting. Look around, and the vast majority of people that you see will have had a gut-wrenching, painful break-up. And that means that there’s plenty of advice on how to get over it (like this blog, for example!). It’s especially recommended to get advice if you’re in a complicated situation. If you have a child with your ex-partner and then making things difficult, then take a read of ‘The Uncooperative Co-Parent.’ No matter how complicated your arrangement is, there’ll be someone who has been through it before!

In the Mix

Another idea is to get yourself back out there! You’ll want to spend some time away from the world while you recover, but at some point, you’ll want to begin meeting new people, slowly at first, of course. You’ll find that going out into the world and meeting others can be a lot of fun, and even if nothing comes from it, you’ll enjoy the experience, which is crucial to overcoming heartbreak. And who knows, you might just meet the right person for you! 

What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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