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How to Say Goodbye to Baby Weight


Having a baby brings a lot of changes in a woman’s life. From the change in lifestyle to the emotional maturity, it’s sometimes a struggle but women find a way to deal with it. The same applies to the post-baby body and it can affect the women’s perception of herself quite a bit.

It’s nothing unusual to have extra weight after giving birth since your body is still adjusting to the new hormonal order and getting rid of excess water. However, losing it is what makes most of the mothers fall in despair since it takes time in your already hectic schedule. However, modern science has also found several solutions for that, and here is what they are.  

Lose weight slowly

Don’t rush the losing weight process, but take it slowly and moderately. Gradual weight loss is imperative if you want to avoid sagging skin. When your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, start lifting small weights and doing exercises that will strengthen your abdominal muscles. This will build your muscles and tone your body.

Make sure that you use exercises that are appropriate for your body type and won’t cause any injury. Take into account that your body just underwent a stress and needs time to recover, so include some yoga moves as well.

Use firming lotions

Skin needs nourishment in order to be healthy, and when you start losing weight you will have to use firming lotions in order to influence the collagen production and prevent sagginess. There are all sorts of products available on the market, so choose the ones appropriate for your skin type. Also, skin exfoliation will help as well since it will increase blood circulation and create new cells.

Drink enough water

Importance of water for our bodies is already a common knowledge. Take 6-8 glasses per day, and one of warm water with lemon in the morning to boost your metabolism. Additionally, water is the purifier and will help your body eliminate toxic materials you absorbed from environment or food.

Cosmetic  procedures

Getting rid of the fat with cosmetic surgery is not so inaccessible to everyday women anymore. Every developed country in the world has state of the art cosmetic practice that removes the imperfections efficiently and safely. Practices all around the world use knowledge and expert exchange programs so cosmetic surgeons in Sydney or LA are both using the newest approaches and techniques.

The newest hit in the world is CoolSculpting, a non-surgical procedure that helps you get rid of the fat especially from the areas that are problematic for the weight loss, like tummy. The procedure involves using a CoolSculpting device to freeze the fat and leaves no damage to the tissue or organs. After the procedure, you can go back to your activities as usual and over time, the frozen cells will be eliminated from your body.  

Eat proteins

The overall diet is something you will have to pay attention to just like you did in pregnancy. Only now, concentrate on consuming enough proteins since they will help the muscle growth. Also, proteins contain collagen which plays an important role in the skin firming process. But meat is not the only source of protein, and some vegetables are packed with it too. Kale, broccoli, mushrooms and Brussels sprouts are only some of them and you can eat them raw in salads or cooked.  

Go to massage salons

Massage is one of the great ways to relax your body and get the blood flow going. If you can, go to the professional massages at least three times a week in order to lose the excess water and jump-start the muscles. However, you can massage yourself while applying lotions at least twice a day. Use gentle moves and don’t press too hard in order to avoid bruising. There are many different techniques, so choose the one that feels comfortable and agreeable to your body.

Breastfeeding is important

It will take time to lose the baby weight and fast solutions are not good for your body, looks, and mind. This is especially important if you’re breastfeeding since stress can make you lose the milk prematurely. Breastfeeding will help you lose the weight by turning your calories into the milk so you want to keep doing it as long as you can, or your baby requires it.  


Baby weight is a problem for women since it can affect their self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, if you have this problem, find the most appropriate solution for you and use it to get rid of that extra weight. It takes time to regain pre-pregnancy body, but with time and dedication, you will be able to do so.  

Are you struggling with baby weight? Have you struggled with baby weight? Have you struggled with losing weight? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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