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Suggestions for Becoming a More Positive and Fulfilled Person


When push comes to shove, virtually everyone wants to be a happy and positive person, with a sense of meaning and fulfillment in life. 

Not only is being a positive fulfilled person its own reward, but having a more positive aura can have a wide range of striking benefits for the people we care about, and even strangers we come into contact with over the course of our everyday lives.

Of course, life naturally comes with plenty of stressful situations and potential setbacks that can make it difficult to stay positive. As for finding fulfillment, it can be difficult to even know where to start, particularly if you don’t enjoy your current job or surroundings much at all.

Here are just a few tips that may be effective in helping you to become a more positive and fulfilled person.

Always be on the lookout for ways to help others and to bring a smile to their faces

In society, we often get messages from celebrities and other influential individuals – not to mention the media – suggesting that the key to a positive and fulfilled life is more and more personal achievement.

Another promotion at work, more money in the bank, a bigger following on social media, and so on.

While it can certainly be nice to earn more money, to get promoted at work, or to get more likes on your photos, however, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that a far more significant factor when it comes to boosting positivity and a sense of purpose in life, is to regularly do things that help others.

You don’t need to become a full-time charity work in order to benefit from this. Just look for opportunities to do some good, and to help someone else out, each day. Whether that means calling a friend or relative who is having a rough time or even just looking up high-quality dog food online to give your pet a treat.

Willingly confront some physical challenges on a regular basis

This point may well seem totally counterintuitive, but when all said and done, willingly confronting some physical challenges and difficulties on a regular basis, in a controlled way, can actually help to make you significantly more positive and upbeat as well.

In her recent book, “Dopamine Nation,” the psychiatrist Anna Lembke reveals that pleasure and pain are essentially kept in an even balance, by the brain’s neuronal system – and that any time we overindulge in something highly stimulating and pleasurable, the brain compensates by making us feel a bit worse afterward than we did before.

The other side of the coin is that activities like occasional fasting and cold water exposure can help to make us more upbeat, and can cause us to feel more positive over time.

Be careful and selective about the kind of information you regularly consume

It’s very difficult to be positive and feel fulfilled if you are regularly exposing yourself to too many forms of information that make you angry and scared.

While it’s important to be aware of your surroundings, it’s just as important to realize that a lot of the media information we consume is selectively curated to get an emotional reaction out of us.

By taking in more positive information than negative information, your outlook on life can become a lot more positive as a result.

What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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