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Stay In Good Shape


It’s one thing to go on a January health kick to recover from Christmas but it’s quite another to actually stick to your healthy routine. So many people adopt the classic mentality of buying a gym membership that they never use or assuming that “dieting” means starving yourself until you’ve lost weight and then resuming your old diet as normal. Being truly healthy isn’t about achieving quick results; it’s about creating a lifestyle that you’ll be able to maintain on a permanent basis. Sometimes, that does mean you’ll only see results gradually but you’ll be able to maintain those good results forever if you stick to your healthy routine.

The way to stay in good shape, essentially, is not to punish yourself. You need to feel motivated and inspired to be healthily rather than forced. Many people see exercise and eating healthy as chores, for example, but living healthily shouldn’t be a chore. It should be a natural part of your daily life much like brushing your teeth. You shouldn’t even have to think about it. The advice in this article might just help you get to a stage in your life at which you no longer think about your healthy habits because they just stick. Let’s look at the way to stay in good shape.

Find your motivator.

Before you start to consider what you need to eat and how you need to exercise, you must find your “motivator” in order to ensure that you actually stick to your new healthy routine. It’s not enough to read about “healthy tips and tricks”. You need motivation because making those habits stick is always difficult for the first few weeks. To ensure you don’t fall off the wagon, you need some sort of focus to ensure that you remember your goals. For some people, that motivator might be a pair of jeans that you really want to be able to squeeze into once more. It sounds silly but having a small goal such as this can make a new healthy routine a permanent fixture in your life. You need focus so as to remember why you’re doing this.

Some people even find that pets are great motivators. Dogs, in particular, are great companions to motivate you to exercise because they’re always itching to get outside and go for a walk. They’re the best workout and life companions. Obviously, after he or she has been running around outside a lot, you’ll need to make sure you keep your fluffy companion healthy. Remember, a dog isn’t just for companionship and they also aren’t just for your workout routine. Committing to your brand new pet is crucial. You’ll need to be sure that you can fit them into your permanent lifestyle (much like your new healthy habits, in many ways). You might want to look into Pet-Lock products to get rid of fleas or other pests that your pup will likely pick up whilst outside. Remember, you need to focus on keeping your pet healthy as well as you.

Start a realistic diet.

This is the most important piece of advice you can take on board. Being in good shape doesn’t mean you need to be super skinny. In fact, being underweight is unhealthy too, believe it or not. That’s the reason as to why so many diets go wrong for so many people. Yes, you need to eat your greens but you also need variety in your diet. You can’t survive on just fruit and vegetables. Food in those categories is essential for any healthy diet but you need other food groups to go along with those things.

You need to get enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet to sustain yourself. You need starchy foods such as pasta, bread, or rice. You need calcium which you can get from dairy products or alternatives such as soya. It’s all about moderation, balance, and variety. You shouldn’t feel hungry, essentially. If you do starve yourself then you’re more likely to bounce back to your old diet and binge on unhealthy food to compensate. You’ll have gained nothing.

Start a realistic workout routine.

The second thing you need to sort out is your workout routine. The way to stay in good shape is to find a realistic way of exercising. Realistically, if you have a busy work and home life then you’re not going to be able to find a few hours to go to the gym. And having a gym membership doesn’t mean you’re going to get healthy if you never go to the gym (crazy, right?). Exercising little and often is all it takes to stay healthy and maintain a good shape. You might need no more than 10 minutes a day if you use those 10 minutes wisely. A brisk jog around your local area could make all the difference but it’s all about making this a regular part of your routine. You could even park further from work and cycle the rest of the way (or cycle the entire way). There’s always a way to squeeze exercise into your routine.

Essentially, you need to view working out less as a chore and more as a positive thing. The workout should be the reward. And if that concept means nothing to you then you’ve not found a form of exercise that works for you yet. When you really push your body, the endorphins released during exercise will make you feel so good that you’ll start to perceive the physical activity as a treat in itself. Perhaps hitting the gym isn’t right for you but that means you need to find a form of exercise that is right. Perhaps you could take up a sport because some people need that social interaction and fun element in order to enjoy exercise. Perhaps jogging in the park is more your scene because you enjoy admiring the scenery. It’s all about finding a way to exercise without even thinking about the fact that you’re exercising. What are some activities you have chosen to stay in good shape? Have you given any of these a try? Please share in the comments below. I really would love to know.

Until next time, shine amongst the stars!

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