Baby Steps: Simple Ways To Boost Your Confidence After Having Children

Baby Steps: Simple Ways To Boost Your Confidence After Having Children

Even if you’re a naturally confident and outgoing person, there’s a good chance that your external shell hides some insecurities. When you become a mom, there’s a lot to take in, and it’s very common to experience a crisis of confidence. If your self-esteem has plummeted or you don’t quite feel yourself, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some baby steps you can take to feel more confident after having children.

Become a Better You: Five Ways To Get Out of a Rut

Become a Better You: Five Ways To Get Out of a Rut

As beneficial as it can be, doing the same things day in day out can become incredibly tedious and before you know it you feel trapped. Life loses its excitement, and you’re so exhausted by it all you don’t even know where to start to make a change. If you’ve been feeling like this lately, here are a few ideas to help you become a better you, get out of your rut and start embracing life again.



Taking photos you’re proud to share is easier than you think! You just need to learn how the pros take full advantage of the settings on their cameras, use lighting and composition to create interesting photos, and make all their photos look better with quick and simple editing workflows. You can find 58 digital resources all created to unleash those amazing photos you know you’ve got in you…it’s all inside the Ultimate Photography Bundle. Get your bundle here before the sale is over:

Health Doesn’t Have to be Hard: Simple Ways to Improve Your Lifestyle

Health Doesn’t Have to be Hard: Simple Ways to Improve Your Lifestyle

when it comes to our health there really is no excuse, we only get one body and so it’s imperative that we treat it well. If we want to see our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren grow up and live a long and fruitful life then we have to take control. Even if you already live a healthy lifestyle, you might still feel terrible due to mistakes you’re making- are you fit sick? Perhaps you’re just sick in general, and are sick and tired of, well… feeling sick and tired? Here are some of the simple changes you can make in your life to live more healthily and start feeling better.

The Twenty-Second

The Twenty-Second

According to my journal, it all started June 22, 2001. I was fresh out of college and starting a new career. Business was slow so I was journaling about how much this fellow had control over my thoughts. I found myself doubling his name. While my boss was giving me the rundown of my duties for the day and I couldn't help but anticipate my date with Tim.

6 Months Blogging Update

6 Months Blogging Update

I have been blogging for six months now and I love it. Don’t get me wrong, to build a following is a lot of work, but a like or a comment from you makes it all worth it! I want to thank you all for reading & especially for being vulnerable with me and sharing your thoughts and feelings when you feel inspired to. I really appreciate your support, comfort, and love. I read every single comment and it helps to shape into the best blog possible.

Don’t Let Baby Weight Become The Bane Of Your Life

Don’t Let Baby Weight Become The Bane Of Your Life

You’ve probably heard horror stories from other moms who have found it impossible to shed their baby weight, and you are terrified that the same thing will happen to you. However, the fact is that if you are mindful of your weight from the get-go, and make a conscious effort to take care of yourself, you shouldn’t find that baby weight is too much of a problem for you.

Focus On Fitness: What To Do When Your Motivation Is MIA

Focus On Fitness: What To Do When Your Motivation Is MIA

We start a fitness regime with great gusto only for our interest to dwindle a few weeks later. Suddenly, that energy has drained from every fiber in our bodies, and the last thing we want to do is hit the gym. If this scenario sounds familiar, and you’re struggling to stay on the exercise bandwagon, you’ve come to the right place. If your motivation is MIA, I'm here to help get you back on track.

A Very Emotional Valentine’s

A Very Emotional Valentine’s

As the nurse wheeled her next to me and helped me raise my bed, she asked if I wanted to hold her. Before she could complete that sentence I had my arms stretched out for my baby. I pulled her next to me and gave her a gentle hug and kissed her head covered by a pink cap. I laid her on the bed and unwrapped her blanket so I could pull her cap off. I said to her, “You have all your toes, and fingers and a head full of curly hair.”

Valentine’s Day 2005

Valentine’s Day 2005

As I sang, tears fell from my eyes because Tim was not there with me. My brother had gone and Zoey looked so much like him and he was also my sunshine. Then the phone rang to my room and it was Tim. His first words to me were, “I love you.” My voice cracked as I uttered, “Then why aren’t you here?” Although I knew the answer, my heart was broken. I couldn’t believe I said those words because my heart screamed, I miss you and I love you too. But my mouth betrayed me and expressed words that I didn’t mean to say.