3 Plugins to Explode Your Blog Traffic

3 Plugins to Explode Your Blog Traffic

Explode Your Blog Traffic! As a blogger, you write content, you research and inject the juice to add value, and you even spend time carefully finding the right images to share along with your next post. You arrange it all in a nice, attractive fashion and now you’re set to hit PUBLISH. Ok, so you published your great work and two weeks later, you feel grateful for the readers who have visited but disappointed because you want more. Why aren’t you getting more traffic? You’ve probably asked yourself that question and maybe did some research or over-analyzed your blog’s marketing mix.

3 Tips for Making Your Child More Resilient

3 Tips for Making Your Child More Resilient

What skills and personality traits would you choose to impart on your child if you had a magic wand and could turn them into whatever kind of person you wanted them to be, with a simple wish? No doubt you’d make them smart, capable, responsible, disciplined, optimistic, and maybe also generous and good-humored.

4 Ways to Update Life by Updating Your Living Room

4 Ways to Update Life by Updating Your Living Room

For some households, the living room is where memories are made. Games are played; shows and movies are watched; books are read; and conversation is engaged. For others, the living room might be a place where junk mail is dropped on the way to the kitchen. Whatever your living room is currently used for, an update can make it a welcoming environment to build memories and traditions.

5 Things You Should Keep In Mind About Natural Light in Your Child’s Bedroom

5 Things You Should Keep In Mind About Natural Light in Your Child’s Bedroom

As you probably already know, natural light brings lots of benefits along with its warm glow. And while it is true that people are used to living indoors, there’s really no good reason to hide from this gift of nature. Instead, it’s advisable to embrace it as much as possible if we want to lead a happy, healthy life.

How to Create A Profitable Blogging Business

How to Create A Profitable Blogging Business

Do you own a blog (or want to create one) and would you like it to be your primary source of income? Do you love to share stories, tips, or recommendations? Would you like to profit from those efforts on a blog?

Check Your Money Mindset

Check Your Money Mindset

Your relationship with money is probably more complicated than you’d like to admit. Maybe, for example, you don’t know how to properly save, because no one ever taught you. Or maybe you have a certain category of good or service that you know you spend too much money on but aren’t sure how to control. And then there’s uncertain about money, related to things like job security, the overall economic picture, or even future obligations such as retirement or college tuition.

9 Marriage Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

9 Marriage Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

The hopeless romantic is at it again. One of my favorite topics to read about, discuss, and of course, live. During my perusing through the land of Google, I ran into some very interesting marriage information. I put this together just for you. Enjoy!

73 Questions|Briana Barksdale

73 Questions|Briana Barksdale

Briana Barksdale is the CEO of First Ladii Productions, an advertising and promotions company. She also owns and operates a Financial Literacy Company that teaches people how to achieve a financially-free lifestyle. During her 10 year tenure, Briana has produced several products, events, podcasts, and radio shows including her most recent podcast, Goal Diggers Show.

The Right Daily Routine for Having a Fit Body

The Right Daily Routine for Having a Fit Body

By following these simple steps you will be sure that you've created a right daily routine for having a fit and healthy body! It might sound like a lot of work, but in fact, all of these steps are pretty easy to intertwine into your lifestyle. Don't postpone the things that are good for you - start changing your life for the better today!



I’ve outlined a framework of questioning to help you laser-beam-throw your pitch by knowing more specifically who exactly you need to pitch to and what their needs are. Let’s use my elevator pitch that I threw at you earlier in this writing as an example of answering all 5 questions.